Fall Lawn Mowing Tips

Warm Season Grass

If you have warm season turf like Bermuda, Zoysia, or Centipede, your grass will begin to go into dormancy as the temperature cools down. You should continue to mow your lawn weekly prior to dormancy. Regular mowing is good for your lawn’s overall health and keeping your turf at the proper height will help it return to its lush, green state after dormancy. Fall is a good time to consider lowering your mower blades for the last couple mows of the season. Just be sure you don’t drop them too short and scalp your lawn. A lawn care professional or sod supplier can recommend the ideal height for your lawn.

Cool Season Grass

Fescue or cool season grass can be mowed well into the fall season depending on the temperature. If you have just had your lawn aerated and overseeded, be sure to follow your lawn care professional’s recommendations on when it is safe to begin mowing again. Beyond that, as long as your grass is still growing and temperatures are not freezing, you can and should continue to mow your cool season grass.

Mowing Equipment Maintenance

When it is time to put away that mower for the season, be sure to service your equipment first! This is a great time of year to sharpen mower blades, replace belts for ride-on mowers, and change your spark plugs. We recommend taking your equipment to a shop that specializes in lawn mower maintenance, but if you are good at DIY, you can likely find most of what you need at your local home improvement store as well.

Taking good care of your equipment is a mowing tip that will be helpful year round!

Need help with your fall lawn mowing? Give Canopy a call! We would love to serve you.


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