Lawn Insect Control
Protect your lawn from damaging pests with Canopy Lawn Care’s expert insect control service. Our professional agronomists diagnose and treat both surface and subsurface insect issues, ensuring season-long protection. Using top-tier, fast-acting products, we create a protective zone around your lawn’s roots and grass without the need for excessive watering. From White Grubs and Armyworms to Chinch Bugs, Aphids, and Weevils, we effectively target a wide range of pests to keep your lawn healthy and thriving. Let us safeguard your grass with the best in pest control solutions.

Why Lawn Insect Control?
Whether you are dealing with surface insects or subsurface insects our professional agronomists will identify the issue and provide the solution. Providing season-long control we use top-of-the-line products that are fast acting, providing a zone of protection around the roots, and into the grass plant quickly without the need for excessive irrigation. Whether you are dealing White Grubs, Armyworms, Cutworms, Sod Webworms, Chinch Bugs, Mole crickets, Aphids, Lace bug, Billbugs, Caterpillars, Weevils and many more, we’ve got you covered.

What's Included:
Your Canopy expert will assess your lawn's individual characteristics in order to create an optimized treatment plan for it. The evaluation will show what you can anticipate throughout the season, as well as extra steps that you can take to make sure your lawn looks its best.
Your Canopy expert will assess your lawn's individual characteristics in order to create an optimized treatment plan for it. The evaluation will show what you can anticipate throughout the season, as well as extra steps that you can take to make sure your lawn looks its best.
Your Canopy expert will assess your lawn's individual characteristics in order to create an optimized treatment plan for it. The evaluation will show what you can anticipate throughout the season, as well as extra steps that you can take to make sure your lawn looks its best.
Your Canopy expert will assess your lawn's individual characteristics in order to create an optimized treatment plan for it. The evaluation will show what you can anticipate throughout the season, as well as extra steps that you can take to make sure your lawn looks its best.
Lawn Insect Control Services
Our comprehensive pest control process begins with a thorough scouting of your lawn and ornamental plants to identify the specific pest causing the issue. Once the pest is diagnosed, we determine the appropriate measures to effectively address the problem. Targeted pesticide applications are then carried out to control the identified pest. Finally, we conduct follow-ups to ensure the pest has been successfully eliminated and your lawn remains healthy and pest-free.

The Results

Why Canopy Lawn Care?
We have been a business for eight years and have done thousands of services. Being a part of the Canopy Lawn Care program, our agronomists use high-quality, organic components (like coffee grounds) and sustainable nutritionals to not only make your lawn look its best, but truly be its best from the root system up.
The Canopy Difference
Beyond Green Lawns
Soil-First Approach
The Canopy Secret Sauce
Healthy Soil, Healthy Lawn
Other Services We Offer
Take your lawn care to a whole new level with these other services:
Fertilization and Weed Control
Lawn Aeration and Seeding
Top Dressing
Fungal Protection
Tree and Shrub Care
Soil Builder
Commercial Services