Expert Weed Control & Fertilization Lawn Treatments

To ensure the sustained health and vibrancy of your lawn, effective weed control and fertilization are paramount. At Canopy Lawn Care of Greenville, our weed control strategy involves the identification and treatment of both pre-emergent and post-emergent weeds. We utilize a proprietary blend of herbicides designed to eliminate troublesome weeds while nurturing the overall health of your grass. For fertilization, we take a soil-centric approach, providing your lawn with nutrient-rich treatments containing the ideal combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 

With Canopy Lawn Care's method for weed control and fertilization, expect your lawn to radiate a lush green appearance, exhibit robust health, and showcase enhanced resilience.

Take back your lawn from pesky weeds with our science-based weed control program!

How it works

Canopy Lawn Assessment

Your Canopy expert will assess your lawn's individual characteristics in order to create an optimized treatment plan for it. The evaluation will show what you can anticipate throughout the season, as well as extra steps that you can take to make sure your lawn looks its best.

Lawn and Soil Nutrients

To ensure your lawn is lush and healthy, we provide tailored formulations of nutrients in exact amounts throughout the year. This customized approach will promote an optimal landscape for years to come. These amendments also target the health of your soil, as a strong soil foundation is essential for grass to thrive.

Lawn Health Monitoring

Each time we visit your specialist will be on the lookout for problem areas, including weed pressure, During these visits our specialist will monitor your lawn for any signs of pests or diseases and make recommendations accordingly.

Weed Management

With our lawn service, we'll not only pre-treat your grass to help prevent weeds from taking root but also provide targeted spot treatments if any pesky growths do appear. Plus, our experts will also recommend things like proper mowing techniques and irrigation schedules that can help maintain a healthy lawn.

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